Last few weeks have been chhhillen.
Weather still sucks, I'm gonna start refusing to leave my house unless it is over 40 degrees.
My life is currently run by : Bomb the Music Industry!
I'm sick of morbid ass bands. Depressed is fine, morbid eh.
I've gone on rants about this before and I'm going to do it again. I don't mean to shit on anyone and their means of 'expressing' themselves but just because you string together a few words such as tragedy corpse darkness or fucking blood does not make it poetry.
Okay no, it makes it poetry, cause everything can be poetry, right?(stupid) What it does not make it is good.
I mean perhaps I'm just critical and judgemental and ... close minded (hahha).
I don't think it's any sort of art when your writing something in an attempt (subconcious or not) to be something that already exsists. Everyone's guilty of that to some extent, but some people are so bent on fucking molding themselves into the people they think are "COOOOOL". And the craziest part of it all is that it is so fucking obvious, how don't they see it.
I don't know, this probably wouldn't bother me anywhere near as much if the people they wanted to be weren't such fagget asses.
this is real poetry ..
We lost a tire but we put it back on. I lost the love of my life, holy
shit, I got a better one. I lost a couple of my favorite shirts and favorite
friends. I lost my favorite band. I feel like I've lost my mind and people tell
me "this is fine". Still, I feel shitty everytime I try to fucking fall asleep
at night.
I wouldn't trade it for the world, I would trade it for way less. Just a
parking spot and a place to call my home. I'm always making mistakes that are
never worth it, despite what they say I hate life ain't perfect. But fuck it I
got through today I got a few more tomorrows.
1 comment:
ohhh bomb the music industry, i saw them with Against Me! once and Jeff's guitar strap broke making the guitar fly into the crowd and hit a girl in the face.....good times.
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