Monday, October 13, 2008


I just finished watching the latest episode of californication. I like that show, it's funny and entertaining but it kind of makes me mad somtimes. Where in the world is everyone you know so witty? Even the 12 or 13 year olds are clever and smart. It just seems so unrealistic, maybe thats why its a TV show? Not only are they witty, but they have a general good taste in music and clothing (as little as that might matter) and basically they seem like the type of people that I like. I'm jealous of this show.

On another note, I really don't want to do the laundry or my homework or get dressed for work, this is such a waste of a day off. I found it so hard to wake up this morning.

A little on Tom.
So me, Nicole my sister and Matt went to the Against Me! show on saturday night. It was amazing ofcourse, Nicole and I were right there, about 3 feet away from Tom. I held his hand and touched his sweaty, naked chest. It was insane. Their just really good preformers, at the end of the show there was about 30 people on the stage with them. We didnt go up but we should've, I just wasn't sure it was over and didnt wana get pushed to the back. I'm going to see them again in November and I'd like to see Tom solo too. Heather Gabel is such a lucky bitch.

I have to actually do things now.

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