Friday, October 17, 2008

The Roller

"Feels like you've already said so much, feels like you can never say enough."

I think I have chronic headaches. I just feel like I always have a headache, very annoying. Me and Murph are going to see Quarantine tonight, it'll probably suck, but I don't care as long as it scares the shit out of me. He wanted to see Max Payne. The name in itself is bad enough, but no, it's staring Mark Whalberg (or however you spell it). That man is such a bad actor, so bad that I feel no need to elaborate.
I am so shallow. Well, I don't even know if shallow is the word, extremely picky? It's hardly about looks, just every thing else. I just don't think that I should have to settle, I just might be single til I'm 75. I just want to find someone compatible in all aspects, and then I actually have to like them and be attracted to them, and ofcourse they have to actually like me. Too annoying. A clone of Tom Gabel would be nice, I'd 'settle' for that.

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