Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Other Night
What happened was, I was watching the deleted scenes on my Pulp Fiction DVD and Quentin was doing the commentary before. I happened to fall asleep while watching and I dreamt this...
My sister dropped me off at his house, where I was going to be learning something (about directing I assume) When I got there we sat at the computer together and he made me sit on his lap and he sexually harassed me as I wrote him a review on Journey, the band. I think I know understand why little boys don't tell on the preists that give it to them and what not, cause I didn't want it but I just let Quentin do his thing. Then more kids came and Raquel (who was in about 2 minutes of Pulp Fiction) and she was Quentins girlfriend. Some little boy tried to make me jealous by telling them they were doing it in his room right now, woop. Then my mom and sister picked me up but I forgot my cell phone and we got lost in his strange apartment complex. It was all very wierd.
The end.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I'm a good person, too good.
"Thats why guys don't like you"
Hahaha, I can think of a thousand reasons why I am still single, but because I said I don't understand how your girlfriend can stand you, is deffinitly not one of them.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Baby, I Won't Impress You No Matter What
I know I'm not supposed to be this way anymore. Happy happy Rachael. I think tonight is a free pass. Would you like me if I stayed forever young? Blaaaa, I'm fucked up. I wish I could just sit on the couch and watch Pulp Fiction forever, or One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, I don't want to have to think anymore.
Well that sucks, cause no one does, get used to staying out of touch.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
i know we havent talked in a long time, and im almost postive you hate me, but ive been thinking and i just wanted to say merry christmas
& you can tell your girlfriend the same goes for her
and they didnt even answer, I put my heart out in Christmas spirit, I even lied for the sake of goodness because I didn't even mean the last part, and he couldn't even humor me with an answer, so fuck this world.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
This world
Murph made me cry tonight, and I didn't even talk to him. & Nothing, nothing made me cry. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
I'm gonna keep a postive attitude anyway, because of my epiphany.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Deja Friday
Fuckkkkk authority and rules.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Things like pot call for very few things, something to smoke out of, some where to smoke and self control. It's as simple as that.
And just because I like to smoke, it doesn't make me a "pot head" or a bad person!
Monday, December 15, 2008
No Gooood
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Untitled 3 Million


Just like he said. I think Jamie got pee on me, ewww.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Last Chance To Lose Your Keys
"It's boys like you that make me think
I'm better off home on a Saturday night..."
I miss my best friend. I like his new girlfriend, shes really nice and I'm happy for him but I miss him in more ways than one. I feel like hes been different the past 2 weeks, the 2 times that I've seen him. I hope this whole being so wrapped up in his girlfriend thing doesn't last long. I don't want them to break up, I just hope he learns to balance. I feel replaced, even though I was never anything like his girlfriend and most deffinitley never wanted to be, I had that opportunity many times. I don't know about this whole thing, but it seems to fit a pattern in my life lately.
I don't think I can handle a relationship. I don't know how I did it in the past, but I look at other peoples relationships and not all of them, but a lot of them seem to be so unbalanced. Some people act as if the only other person on the planet is their significant other. I don't want to make someone my entire life. There are people in normal relationships too, ofcourse. They seem to balance everything well and what not, but agh. I don't think I could even like anyone so much, so consistantly for very long.
My manager bought everyone at work pizza today. He's one of those people who act like they hate everyone, but then do something nice like that. My lungs are shot shot shot. I ran to my house and back to work, I live 2 blocks away, I'm still weezing and coughing. I'm disgusting. I smoke tooooo much. I smoke too much pot too. I hope my brain doesn't disapear.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Say It, Dont Spray It

keep loven me the way you loven me,&ill neva leave your side. you gotta
chick thats riide or diee soo justt remembaa as much as fiight were both on the
same sidex3, i love you.
Trynnaa livVe c0mfortableee,wannaa chiLL nD sm0kEe bluntTTss wiTTchuuu, g0o t0o
thaAa m0vviesss- cAn a niGGaa maAkee l0vVeee 2 y0UUU
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I didn't know people still played games. I thought you grew out of that shit. Is it enjoyable? I guess it is if you don't care, maybe that's the problem. I can't do that.
I want to watch Pulp Fiction. I don't know why I haven't bought it yet. Maybe cause I'm always fucking broke. How is it that my cousin gave me a hundred dollars (wooop!) on Thanksgiving and I got payed the day before and I have like 10 dollars today. I'm ridiculous.
And done.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Na Na Na Na
"So find the darkest place
and search under blankets for
me, smothering myself in this darkness"
I like Bayside, they write what I think.
I have to pee so bad right now, but I'm too horribly lazy to get up and walk 10 feet. I feel a little more like myself today, not a very good version of myself, but it's better then nothing. I'm over the last thing that I had to think about, that was quick. I hate having regrets, even more I hate thinking what could have been, because nothing ever happens the way you think it should.
I hate the way I am too, what is wrong with me? There has to be something. I'm 17 and I haven't impacted anyone in anyway, I have no meaning to anyone. I'm just another person, and so is the rest of the world, the difference is that most of the rest of the world is more then just a person to someone somewhere. So what's wrong here? It is obviously me, not everyone else can be the problem. I just want to know what it is.
I'm retarded too. On the rare occasion that I do attract someone, it eventually isn't enough. I don't know if it's because I start to get nervous and worry about what I'm doing and saying, or if it's because I just am not enough. When I'm high and I think about this I think I have no substance and that I'm immature. I try not to think about things like this when I'm stoned though, I don't want to ruin one of the only things that makes me feel good.
I want to do something. We always make lists, but I don't know what happens, I guess we just forget. Me and Nicole were supposed to do something the other day, it didn't work out though. We're going the forest Thursday, as high as we can possibly get. Yay.