Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Other Night

I had the craziest dream, about Quentin Tarintino.
What happened was, I was watching the deleted scenes on my Pulp Fiction DVD and Quentin was doing the commentary before. I happened to fall asleep while watching and I dreamt this...
My sister dropped me off at his house, where I was going to be learning something (about directing I assume) When I got there we sat at the computer together and he made me sit on his lap and he sexually harassed me as I wrote him a review on Journey, the band. I think I know understand why little boys don't tell on the preists that give it to them and what not, cause I didn't want it but I just let Quentin do his thing. Then more kids came and Raquel (who was in about 2 minutes of Pulp Fiction) and she was Quentins girlfriend. Some little boy tried to make me jealous by telling them they were doing it in his room right now, woop. Then my mom and sister picked me up but I forgot my cell phone and we got lost in his strange apartment complex. It was all very wierd.

The end.

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