Monday, December 15, 2008

No Gooood

I hate coldssss. I woke up so sick, dreaming about bottles of water in my bed. I was actually on my way to school and on time when Nicole called and and I decided that I felt too much like shit not to go to her house and sleep for 3 hours. Last night was ridiculous, didn't plan on getting too fucked up since it was Sunday. Went to the forrest with Nicole and Losenger, drank and heard funny shit stories. Fladam picked me up and we smoked in the van, then I went home and talked to my mom and sister about vagina hair in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's for like 2 hours. People were so crazy to really style their vagina hair, and still are if they still do. I had a dream about Tom today during my nap, agh such a tease. I don't want to go to workkkkk, I'm not going to school again tommorrow, I don't care if I fail health for it. I need to register for SATs, bleh.

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